
On behalf of HyNorth, we have mapped out the current challenges in realizing a local hydrogen economy in the provinces of Groningen and Drenthe. We also formulated possible solutions and recommendations. These results are bundled in HyHub reports (local hydrogen chains). As a result, a start has been made with development of the value chain and the (market) parties are in contact.

HyNorth is fully committed to realizing a hydrogen economy in the north of the Netherlands. As a coordination office, HyNorth drives the hydrogen value chain, together with the support of the regional businesses, governments and institutions.

Realizing a hydrogen economy cannot be done alone. The obstacles currently encountered are complex. Deelrijk has contributed as an expertise partner and facilitator to making these obstacles visible, formulating recommendations and making an implementation plan.

We have co-written reports that make the current challenges in implementing a hydrogen economy in the regions of Delfzijl and Hoogeveen visible. We also provide direction for possible solutions and recommendations on how to deal with them.

For HyNorth we organize stakeholder meetings, conduct in-depth interviews, formulate an action plan to implement a regional hydrogen chain, advise on public affairs, and act as an expertise partner for both the market and the government.

Want to know more?


Wij initiëren, begeleiden en realiseren waterstofprojecten.
Met onze partners ontwikkelen en realiseren wij groene waterstofproductielocaties, waterstofopslag- en transportsystemen, en zijn wij betrokken bij de totstandkoming van waterstoftankstations (HRS).

|)) deelrijk ziet het omzetten van duurzame elektrische energie in transporteerbaar hoogwaardig gas als een belangrijke manier om een bijdrage te leveren aan de energietransitie.

