
Rijngas is active in the Dutch market as a supplier of liquefied propane in the broadest sense of the word and as a supplier of dry ice and hydrogen. They have experienced spectacular growth. This growth was achieved by working very customer-oriented and offering innovative products.

One of the biggest barriers to using hydrogen is the lack of a hydrogen infrastructure. Rijngas has realized an innovative solution in the form of a cascade hydrogen filling system; the Easy-Fill H2 system.

Hydrogen vehicles, such as forklifts, construction machines, agricultural machines, cleaning vehicles are usually dependent on a refueling station on their own premises. For owners of these vehicles, usually companies, it is just a step too far to invest in a complete hydrogen infrastructure. The Easy-Fill H2 system fills this gap in the market.

Rijngas has asked Deelrijk to write a support guide for its Hydrogen cascade filling system (Easy Fill H2) and to assist in the operational recognition of this mobile hydrogen filling system.

Want to know more?


Wij initiëren, begeleiden en realiseren waterstofprojecten.
Met onze partners ontwikkelen en realiseren wij groene waterstofproductielocaties, waterstofopslag- en transportsystemen, en zijn wij betrokken bij de totstandkoming van waterstoftankstations (HRS).

|)) deelrijk ziet het omzetten van duurzame elektrische energie in transporteerbaar hoogwaardig gas als een belangrijke manier om een bijdrage te leveren aan de energietransitie.

